blogger –> wordpress

As you can see I finally migrated my blog to wordpress, some time ago blogger has decided to stop their ftp publishing service so I had three options:
1) Migrate to a blogspot address
2) Use a custom sub-domain (i.e.
3) Migrate to wordpress

I like my data and I wanted to keep it on *my* servers hence I chose the 3rd option.

The migration took about 5 minutes. I had to run three queries to fix posts/comments that started with a “>” (for some reason) but that’s about it:
update wp_posts set post_title=right(post_title,length(post_title)-1) where left(post_content,1)=’>’;
update wp_posts set post_content=right(post_content,length(post_content)-1) where left(post_content,1)=’>’;
update wp_comments set comment_content=right(comment_content,length(comment_content)-1) where left(comment_content,1)=’>’;

If anyone else wants to move their blog from blogger to wordpress check out:


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