Friday, July 27th, 2007
When I write two times at the same week, you know it can’t be good…
May she rest in peace.
So here I am again (at work ofcourse!) with a million things left to do…
I decided to “stop everything!!!” and send happy new year SMS’es to all of my friends after I realized there is no chance I will be able to call them all 🙁
Tina says a very wise man once said, “Friends are God’s way of apologizing for your family”.
(I don’t have any complains about my family, though. I just didn’t have anything else to quote…)
Anyway, Happy new jewish year all! May all of your wishes come true, etc etc… 🙂
Large police and rescue forces were dispatched to the British Embassy in Tel Aviv. The police reported that a man has entered the embassy’s complex carrying a gun and threatening to hurt himself if he is not granted political asylum in Britain.
After more than 8 hours of negotiations, Special Police Unit officers took into custody Nadim Injahz, a 28-year-old Palestinian (and also figured out it was a plastic gun).
The Weekend is over, I surely needed that one… last week was a mess!
One of our generators (that one was a mini generator actually) went on fire and caused problems on a few sun servers (with important dbs)… yuck!
I guess I already said too much but it was really sucks!
On an unrelated note, I was searching for an old modified picture of “Pinky and the Brain” someone made me when I was in the army… I found it eventually but it looked much better in my memory than in reality.
(If you wonder why I didn’t list it on my cartoons list, I only saw one or two episodes when I was on my uncle’s place because we had no cables back then)
Have a nice week!
The police erected roadblocks in Sharon area after receiving alerts that suicide bomber on his way to Israel to carry out attack.
There were big traffic jams because major roads leading to city centers have been blocked.
As of now, the terrorist has been arrested by the Israeli security forces.
A large fire is burning in a forest between Tirat Hacarmel and Kibbutz Hahotrim south of Haifa.
You thought I would leave you without a picture? think again…
So me and my sister went to __________ yesterday and on the way I figured out we’re almost out of gas (surprise!).
Luckily she knew a gas station on the area, she even knew what gas I need (ofcourse I didn’t)!
So anyway, after exiting the gas station… she was like “I know the way, turn left here” and after a few seconds “oh oops, not here” and I was like “too late!”…
So I had two options (three inlcuding the illegal one):
* Turn around on the first chance.
* Continue with the road and hope for a miracle.
We continued with the road until we came to a crossroad I “knew”.
After a few minutes I saw a “Labanon st.” sign and I told my sister “oh good, I know this street. We’re on the right away” and I continued to drive… later to figure out I knew this street’s name because we needed to turn there!
After a few other mistakes (sis: “turn left here”) we figured where we are and went back to the Lebanon st., from there it all went fine.
Conclusion: When a woman tells you “turn left here” she either means to turn right or to go forward.