Poetry is the essence of life

August 11th, 2007

The poet Kahlil Gibran once wrote: “Your children are not your children. They come through you, but not from you. And though they are with you, they do not belong to you.”



July 27th, 2007


April 27th, 2007

When I write two times at the same week, you know it can’t be good…

May she rest in peace.


Independence Day

April 23rd, 2007

I think it’s the first time I blog from home! 😉
Happy Independence Day!


Happy new year!

September 21st, 2006

So here I am again (at work ofcourse!) with a million things left to do…
I decided to “stop everything!!!” and send happy new year SMS’es to all of my friends after I realized there is no chance I will be able to call them all 🙁

Tina says a very wise man once said, “Friends are God’s way of apologizing for your family”.

(I don’t have any complains about my family, though. I just didn’t have anything else to quote…)

Anyway, Happy new jewish year all! May all of your wishes come true, etc etc… 🙂


Only in Israel: A man threatens to commit suicide with a plastic gun

August 31st, 2006

Large police and rescue forces were dispatched to the British Embassy in Tel Aviv. The police reported that a man has entered the embassy’s complex carrying a gun and threatening to hurt himself if he is not granted political asylum in Britain.

After more than 8 hours of negotiations, Special Police Unit officers took into custody Nadim Injahz, a 28-year-old Palestinian (and also figured out it was a plastic gun).



August 30th, 2006

I read on ynet about the Kids Channel’s White Night… and somehow I came to their schedule list… and found out they’re re-broadcasting Zbeng!!! 🙂

Surprisely (or not), I watched some episodes on the VOD a few months ago… but it seems that I missed a few episodes like the one they’re broadcasting today!

So I must finish my work soon and go home fast before it begins…

Stay beautiful!


It’s blog time!

August 27th, 2006

The Weekend is over, I surely needed that one… last week was a mess!
One of our generators (that one was a mini generator actually) went on fire and caused problems on a few sun servers (with important dbs)… yuck!
I guess I already said too much but it was really sucks!

On an unrelated note, I was searching for an old modified picture of “Pinky and the Brain” someone made me when I was in the army… I found it eventually but it looked much better in my memory than in reality.
(If you wonder why I didn’t list it on my cartoons list, I only saw one or two episodes when I was on my uncle’s place because we had no cables back then)

Have a nice week!



August 18th, 2006

I want to buy some new DVDs so I was thinking about either “The Wonder Years” or “The Simpsons”, not sure which yet (maybe both?)…

Not that I really think I’ll find time to watch it, lol 🙂

I also want to move all my video cassettes to the computer/DVD, it’s on my TODO list… but then again, 50,000 other things are also there.



August 7th, 2006

>I was telling someone about http://cartoon.irc.co.il and I got a nostalgic moment.
I figured I should list the cartoons I liked when I was young:
Visionaries: Knights of the magical light (אבירי האור הקסום)
אלאדין (Aladdin)
אגדות האחים גרים (Grimm Masterpiece Theater)
אלף ואחת אמריקות (A Thousand and One… Americas)
Bouli (בולי איש השלג)
Bumpety Boo (היי! בינבה)
בלינקי ופינקי (Noozles)
במצולות הים עם דלפי
בת הים הקטנה (Adventures of the Little Mermaid [1991] and the Disney one)
גארפילד וחברים (Garfield & Friends – I didn’t really like it)
גברת פלפלת (Mrs PepperPot)
ג’ם וההולוגרמות (Jem)
דאג (Doug)
דביבוני היער הירוק (The Raccoons)
דובוני אכפת לי (Care Bears)
מעשיות ברווזיות (DuckTales)
דנבר הדינוזאור האחרון (Denver: The Last Dinosaur)
דן דין השופט (Wisdom of the Gnomes)
דני שובבני (Dennis the Menace)
האופנוברים ממאדים (Biker Mice From Mars)
האקלברי פין
הדבורה מאיה (Adventures of Maya the Honeybee – I don’t remember it but my parents say I liked it when I was young)
הדרדסים (The Smurfs)
הזרבובים (The Snorks, I also don’t really remember it but I remember buying two puppers of it)
החבובות (The Muppet Show)
החתול שמיל (I sort of remember this one, a friend of mine sent me the song some time ago and I remembered it somehow)
החתולים הסמוראים (Samurai Pizza Cats)
סיפורי היער הירוק (Fables of the Green Forest) (I don’t remember it at all, but I remember the song “hayaar hayrok…hayaar hayrok…”, I remember this song)
הכלבתולים (well… I have a video cassete of them with 2 episodes and that’s the only two episodes I’ve seen ;))
הלב (From the Apennines to the Andes3000 Leagues in Search of Mother)
הלו ספנסר (I never really liked it but I’ve seen it because one of the puppets were in the “cartoon friends” cassetes…)
המומינים (The Moomins)
מסיפורי המלך בבר (Babar)
המעופפים הנועזים (The Little Flying Bears)
המפחידנים (I think my sister was watching it and I didn’t have anything better to do? :))
קוסמים קטנים
הקוסם מארץ עוץ – 1986 (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
בארץ הקטקטים (The Littl’ Bits)
השכונה של גופי (Goof Troop)
חבובוטף (Muppet Babies – Not sure if I saw it, it looks familier)
חבורת הצב המעופף (Bosco Adventure)
חוש חש הבלש (Inspector Gadget)
טאו טאו (Tao Tao)
טדי דב (Teddy Ruxpin)
טוב טוב הגמד (The World Of David The Gnome)
עלילות טייני טון (Tiny Toon Adventures)
טימון ופומבה (I never really liked it)
טין טין (The New Adventures of Tintin)
כח המחץ (G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero – I don’t remember it but I remember I was watching it [playing with the antena] and I have one video cassete with it)
כח וידאו (Video Power/Power Team)
סיפורי מוש (Story of the Chuckling Boes; Ox Tales)
מסביב לעולם ב-80 חלומות (Around The World In Eighty Dreams)
מסעות גוליבר
מקורי וחבורתו (Ovide)
משפחת סימפסון (The Simpsons)
משפחת קדמוני (The Flintstones)
נילס הולגרסון (Nils Holgerson)
ניצנוצים ???
ניצנץ מארץ החלומות
נעלולים (The Shoe People)
נשים קטנות (Little Women – I didn’t read the book, though)
ספר הג’ונגל
עוגי דוגי (I think I saw only a few episodes when I was visitng my uncle/aunt)
עולם סחרחר (TaleSpin)
עופל בופל
עמיקו וחבריו (Amigo and Friends – I never liked it)
פו הדב (Winnie the Pooh)
פופאי (Popeye the Sailor Man?)
פופו הכלבלב (Foofur – I don’t remember it, I remember I was watching it and I have one video cassete of it)
פיטר פן (Adventures of Peter Pan)
פינוקיו (The Adventures of Pinocchio)
הרפתקאות פינוקיו (Saban’s Adventures of Pinocchio)
פינקי והמח (Pinky and the Brain)
פיף ותלתול (Spiff and Hercules)
צבי הנינג’ה (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
קופידו (Cupido)
קפטן פלאנט (Captain Planet and the Planeteers)
רובוטריקים (Transformers, I don’t remember it but I remember I was watching it and I also had some puppets of it)
רוני וליטל (Touni et Litelle)
רכבת ההפתעות – בול וביל
רכבת הההפתעות – בזיק ויויו (Joe petit boum boum)
רכבת ההפתעות – הרפתקאות דובי דב
שוטרים וגנבים (C.O.P.S)
שאלתיאל קוואק (Alfred Jodocus Kwak)
תינוזאורים בפעולה
עלילות בבאי (Parasol Henbe)
החיים (Once Upon A Time…Life)

I guess that’s all.


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